dolls & killers in pippi magazine!

We want to thank all Pipi's crew for the nice collaboration and interest in our work... and we are looking forward to seeing the next release! 

About Pipi's Magazine making off...

For Pipi Magazine shooting we looked for an unique place that could represent Berlin soul and spirit. It took a while until we found the perfect location: Rundfunk der DRR. This abandoned building used to be the radio broadcasting organisation for the German Democratic Republic from 1952 until German reunification. It is based in East Berlin. 

We would like to thank Roman (photographer), Conny (right and left hand) and easy-going Esther (model)!

Summer Hoodies Collection

Hiya all! we would like to introduce our latest super light hoodies collection... It's that piece from your wardrobe that you will definitely need for chilly (but summer) nights! They are available in different colors... check them out below!

dolls & killers summer collection

Hi again! take a look at our latest summer collection 

Photo shooting made in a forest located in the area of Bayern, South of Germany. Thanks Regina and bavarian boys for your collaboration! 

our premises
About us

dolls and killers was born in berlin during spring time... her mother dollkiller left them an interesting fashion background...